These Prusa 3D Printers are easy to use and great for beginners. PrusaSlicer can convert your CAD and Solidworks model files into printable pieces. You can also pick out which printer to use based on the color of the filament it is loaded with. You must remain with your print for the entire duration.
Printer Type: Prusa MK3.5
Filament: Hatchbox PLA
Training Required
- The Prusa Printers can be found on the 4th floor of EDIB.
Safety Info
- Close the door to the casing before beginning the print.
- Wait until the print is done before putting your hands in the case. If there is an emergency stop the print.
Tips and Tricks
· Check to make sure PrusaSlicer isn’t giving you any warnings before sending it to the printer
Make sure your part has enough adhesion to the bed by adding a brim!